Current Trainings

Looking for Basic EMDR trainings, Self-paced learning content, and other EMDR and Play Therapy trainings with Annie Monaco? It is all on!

Looking for
Play Therapy Training Series??

RPT Credential information - How do these courses apply?

Popular in-depth play therapy training series for beginning and intermediate level clinicians

$225 each or save with multi-workshop discount 2 for $375 or all 3 for $525

(For full series please register for each session individually starting with Foundations --but choose the discount for sessions 2 and 3 at checkout)

Foundations of the Play Therapy Relationship HYBRID

March 3-4, 2025
9:00am - 4:30pm EST each day
Hybrid: In person in Amherst (Buffalo) New York OR online (all times mandatory)

APT Approved Provider 15-406, 12 play therapy CEs; see brochure for other professional CE details. Live, in person or online all dates mandatory, please review brochure for format info. This workshop meets APT’s definition of “Live Webinar” or in person depending on your selection.

Play Therapy Models and Applications HYBRID

April 14-15, 2025
9:00am - 4:30pm EST each day
Hybrid: In person in Amherst (Buffalo) New York OR online (all times mandatory)

APT Approved Provider 15-406, 12 play therapy CEs; see brochure for other professional CE details. Live, online or in person,  all dates mandatory, please review brochure for format info. This workshop meets APT’s definition of “Live Webinar” or in person depending on your selection.

Play Therapy to Heal from Trauma HYBRID

May 5-6, 2025  
9:00am - 4:30pm EST each day
Hybrid: In person in Amherst (Buffalo) New York OR online (all times mandatory)

APT Approved Provider 15-406, 12 play therapy CEs; see brochure for other professional CE details. Live, in person or online all dates mandatory, please review brochure for format info. This workshop meets APT’s definition of “Live Webinar” or in person depending on your selection.

Regional offerings in the New York Association for Play Therapy are here.

Additional Distance Learning - Hosted by EMDR Advanced Trainings and Distance Learning:

Recognizing & Treating Youth with Dissociation: Weaving together play therapy, family therapy and trauma therapy protocols (Recording available on demand for 90 days)

Frances S. Waters, DCSW, LMSW, LMFT, Ann Beckley- Forest, LCSW, RPT-S and Annie Monaco, LCSW, RPT

3 days, 3 presenters, 3 models to dive deeply into the latest on assessment and comprehensive treatment of children and youth with complex trauma and dissociation, Details, including full CE details on the EMDR Advanced Training and Distance Learning website.

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